Polyreflex aims to be InnovationPlastic Sheet and Box Maker 鈥� to discover more usage, better replaceability andhigher environmental feature and to contribute our lives on a boarder way ofthe plastic sheet and box maker all the world around. Ensurethat Polyreflex is a socially responsible company that contributes positivelyto the communities in which it operates, minimises the impact of its businessactivities on the environment, provides a safe and fair working environment,provides opportunity for employees, treats all stakeholders and partners withrespect, and advocates good practices and behaviours.
▪ Four smile faces▪ Clents, supplier, partner, employee all of them are smiling
▪ Colorful product▪ Eight from different angels, means being richer and better delevoping
▪ Building better life▪ Reflex light to others, dedicate ourselves and Illuminate others


Polyreflex aims to be Innovation Plastic Sheet and Box Maker – to discover more usage, better replaceability and higher environmental
feature and to contribute our lives on a boarder way of the plastic sheet and box maker all the world around.
Ensure that Polyreflex is a socially responsible company that contributes positively to the communities in which it operates,
minimises the impact of its business activities on the environment, provides a safe and fair working environment,
provides opportunity for employees, treats all stakeholders and partners with respect, and advocates good practices and behaviours.
Social Responsibility

Polyreflex aims to be InnovationPlastic Sheet and Box Maker 鈥� to discover more usage, better replaceability andhigher environmental feature and to contribute our lives on a boarder way ofthe plastic sheet and box maker all the world around. Ensurethat Polyreflex is a socially responsible company that contributes positivelyto the communities in which it operates, minimises the impact of its businessactivities on the environment, provides a safe and fair working environment,provides opportunity for employees, treats all stakeholders and partners withrespect, and advocates good practices and behaviours.
A Commitment to the Environment
Polyreflex is aware of the effect its plants can have, and so controls and regulates emissions of gas, residues and dusts that are part of the manufacturing process.
Being pioneer of its sector, Polyreflex is committed to protecting the environment at the beginning of its establishment, obtaining the certification ISO 9001 & ISO 14001.
Strive to reduce consumption of materials and energy, recycle as much as possible and, where possible, source energy from renewable sources
Advocate sound environmental practices to our employees, suppliers, partners and customers
Meet and exceed all environmental obligations with regard to legislation, Taking practical action to support China's commitment to carbon emissions in UNFCCC.
Polyreflex aims to be InnovationPlastic Sheet and Box Maker 鈥� to discover more usage, better replaceability andhigher environmental feature and to contribute our lives on a boarder way ofthe plastic sheet and box maker all the world around. Ensurethat Polyreflex is a socially responsible company that contributes positivelyto the communities in which it operates, minimises the impact of its businessactivities on the environment, provides a safe and fair working environment,provides opportunity for employees, treats all stakeholders and partners withrespect, and advocates good practices and behaviours.
A Commitment to Employees
Treat employees fairly and respectfully at all times. Provide excellent working conditions.
Remunerate our employees fairly and continue to provide a profit share scheme. Communicate openly and honestly with all employees.
Provide appropriate training and development opportunities for all employees. Meet and exceed all equal opportunities legislation.
Meet and exceed all health and safety legislation to provide a safe working environment for our employees.
Polyreflex aims to be InnovationPlastic Sheet and Box Maker 鈥� to discover more usage, better replaceability andhigher environmental feature and to contribute our lives on a boarder way ofthe plastic sheet and box maker all the world around. Ensurethat Polyreflex is a socially responsible company that contributes positivelyto the communities in which it operates, minimises the impact of its businessactivities on the environment, provides a safe and fair working environment,provides opportunity for employees, treats all stakeholders and partners withrespect, and advocates good practices and behaviours.
A Commitment to Suppliers, Contractors, Clients, Parnter, Industry

Treat fairly and respectfully

Only work with suppliers, contractors, clients and parnters who are socially responsible

Contrive to provide a very high level of client service

Achieve a very high level of customer satisfaction

Play a leading role in driving positive change within the business sectors in which we operate